Freethinkers Rebellion
News • Politics • Culture
Quality content for those balancing the madness of the day. We are sharing news at the speed of light and cutting the news out entirely. Black or white, left or right, we can all agree.
Let's Go Brandon!!
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They remixed MANY MEN by 50 Cent for Trump.

I did this review LIVE on Thoughtcast. I was thinking of posting all of my shorts here for the rebellion before sending them to other social media. A little bonus incentive for the Freethinkers Rebellion here on LOCALS. Let me know what you think about that.

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Matthew 18:6
Adams Vs Obama
Team wiping with the crew. Great gaming stream
Freedom to Think Podcast EP. 1 A Bridge for the divide

Here is episode 1 of my "Freedom to Think" podcast

Freedom to Think Podcast EP. 1 A Bridge for the divide

Hey Jeff (Daddy) Looking at that long list of platforms, I'm wondering if you have gotten any sleep lately? Don't forget to take care of you!
I am having so much trouble catching you and since I mainly watch you guys via my TV and not my cell phone or lap top, it's even harder. I heard a song/video by a guy who started following Tom and the song is absolutely beautiful with lots of heart. I'll leave it here for you and you can decide. Let me know if you like it? Hugs to the babies!!

Sorry about my card. I've had to change my card number 3 times due to scammers but I joined once again! I will continue to watch for you on Rumble and I think I can still get on your Discord channel. Thank you for your great program. One of my very favorites. HOG 4 ever but super fan of this channel!!

I was trying to get messages to you trying to find out if you were on Rumble like PewPewNation is but I can't find you there. And I've been struggling to get on with you on Discord. Things are starting to look up finally! So happy to be here!

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